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Cardiovascular Health: Do We Need To Diet, Exercise, Or Both?*

Cardio health is important. People often ask whether its diet that makes your cardiovascular system healthy, exercise, or both. As a blog that’s interested in all things health and fitness, this is a question that needs to be addressed. But what does the evidence say? Can you exercise your way out of a bad diet? Or do you need to do exercise for the effects of a good food to be felt? Let’s take a look at the evidence.

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How to prepare for a special fitness event*

If you’re training for a special fitness event then you probably know how much hard work has to go into making sure you’re ready. No matter what the event is, you need to ensure you’re at the right fitness level otherwise you could end up doing yourself more damage than you do good. Whether it’s a marathon, a triathlon or even a colour run, here are 5 ways to prepare for a special fitness event: – Set Yourself Goals And Targets To Work Towards One of the best ways to make sure you’re ready for a fitness event is to set yourself goals and targets you can work towards. Not only will they keep you motivated, but they will act as stepping stones for you to measure your progress. Make sure you’re setting goals that achievable, otherwise you’ll be setting yourself up for failure from the start. For a guide…

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Eye of the Tiger | Gym Clothes Wish List

Going to the gym and keeping fit is something that is so important to me. However, keeping motivated cannot always be easy. I’ve always found that buying new gym clothes helps keep that motivation going, as it gives you just that extra reason to get yourself working out. There are so many high street stores that have started bringing out there own lines of affordable gym wear. Gone are the days that I head just to Primark to go and buy  my gym wardrobe. The likes of H&M, New Look and even Zara have all bought out there own gym clothes line. Here’s a great little gym clothes wishlist to help keep you motivated in the run up to Christmas. After all, there are only about 10 weeks until Christmas!

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My Gym Class Experience – Why You Should Sign Up Now

I’ve been going to the gym for a good 5 years now, and over the course of these 5 years my gym technique has really evolved. I’ve gone from someone who was uneducated as to how to use any of the cardio equipment, staying away from the weights area and keeping myself in the “ladies only” workout rooms, to someone who can confidently stride into the weights area and start going a kettle bell workout. However, it was only until a few months ago that I started signing myself up for gym classes, and it was only then that my gym class experience and love for gym classes started. Sure, it’s the first thing most of us sign ourselves up for when we get a gym membership. I think it’s more what people push you to do when you’re first going to the gym. The usual phrase that most of…

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Common Gym Mistakes That Need Fixing

Setting yourself a goal and getting yourself to the gym can sometimes seem like the difficult part. Putting on your gym clothes, grabbing your gym bag and getting yourself to the gym may also be another. However, are you really putting in your all, trying out new fitness trends, when you manage to get yourself there? There are so many of us that are making common gym mistakes, and by simply pointing these out, it can be avoided. How often is it that we are training hard at the gym but not seeing the results that we expect to see? You’ve followed a generic gym plan, which you may have found on the internet or through a personal trainer, but you’re body shape isn’t changing, or you aren’t meeting your goals. It’s at that point where you need to really review the time you spend in the gym, and focus…

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