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Get More Zzz’s | How To Get Better Sleep


Modern day sleep routines have been known to be a routine which is no longer that important to us any more, with most of us not even getting our recommended hours of sleep a day. It’s generally recommended that we get about 9 hours of quality sleep a day to help us focus on tasks the next day, wind down, and actually wake up on the right side of the bed everyday! There is nothing worse than waking up super grumpy the next day because your sleep has been interrupted or your just haven’t had enough.

I for one am guilty of not getting enough sleep on a regular basis, and there’s only one thing that keeps me going everyday – coffee. Latte’s, Cappuccinos, Americanos you name it. So I think it’s amount time we aim to wind down, and drift away with a better nights sleep. So here are a few of my ways as to how to get better sleep.

Drink tea: Drinking herbal tea such as Camomile Tea half an hour before going to bed will help you relax, and go to sleep with a clear mind.

Reading a book: A book can help wind down from a long day at work. Grab your favourite book and read a few chapters to take your mind off of anything that has happened during the day.

Stretch it out: Relieve your muscles and any aches by stretching out before bed. It can help you prepare before sleep.

Put away iPad’s and Mobile’s: Freeing yourself from these items can help trick your mind from thinking away. It will also force you to sleep earlier rather than staying up playing mobile games, on Twitter or Facebook.

Pitch black: Cover up your windows or anything that lets street lights or car headlights from peeping through. Any sign of light prevents deep sleep.

Excercise: Working off any excess energy by working out, whether this be a light workout or high intensity, can help you feel like you can drift easily into sleep.

Soothe with scent: Using scents like Lavender or Tea Tree can help soothe your mind, and are natural ways to help you sleep. Drip a few drops onto your pillow to help get your recommended hours of sleep a day.

Have you got any other tips to drift off to sleep? Have you tried any of these before?


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