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How to get healthy hair

How to get healthy hair

How many times have you looked at a glossy magazine, and wanted to know what their secrets are on how to get healthy hair? I recall looking through endless magazines, with actual hair envy, for the number of models I have seen with shiny, beautiful tresses. Forever longing that one day my hair will behave, and mirror that of the ladies I see parading around on TV shows, magazines and sometimes just walking around the streets of London.

Today, I’m going to let you in on a few, maybe well known to some, secrets of how to get healthy hair. It all comes down to how you treat your hair, because respecting your locks can work wonders for your look. By following a few simple steps, which don’t require a battering to your purse, or plastic, your hair can be revived from near dead to healthy and happy.

My own hair has seen some bad days, and some just plain awful. I’ll admit that there have been days where I have just given up with my hair, wanting to grab a pair of scissors and just hack it all off. It’s at times like that when I need to really calm myself down, and think before I chop. There have been times where I have delayed going to the hairdressers out of sheet laziness, and always believing that it was too much effort to care for my hair. Really, the secret to how to get healthy hair shouldn’t really be a secret. It should be widespread to all of us ladies. Follow these simple tips, and you’re guaranteed to have herbal-essences-approved swishing tresses.

Avoid as much heat as possible ; we have all heard this one before, avoid hair straightening, blow-drying and curling your hair. Even if you use heat protective sprays they won’t fight against the effects of heat against the hair as well as not actually using heat stylers.

If you really need to use hair straighteners, try straightening your hair just after drying, this will help lock in the style for a few days. Also try bobbles that don’t add a kink to your hair, these were featured in my what’s in my gym bag post.

Keep your hair clean ; to me, there’s no reason to keep washing your hair, even though some people do this on a daily basis. It’s unnecessary, and you aren’t allowing your hair’s natural oils to remain present and provide moisture to your scalp. You should only really wash your hair when necessary – that’s generally 2 or 3 times a week.

Hair is prone to more damage when it is wet, especially if you are scrunching your hair within your towel, it’s going to cause a lot more damage. If you need to wash your hair, pat your hair with a towel, or a t-shirt, not scrunch.

Find a brand and stick to it ; there really isn’t such thing as needing to change up shampoos and conditioners every so often as your hair will get used to the effects. This is just a myth. Find a brand and stick to it, especially a brand’s particular product. If you know something works for you, don’t change it up.

Trim your hair regularly ; even though we all want to have long luscious locks, your hair needs trimming regularly to avoid those pesky split ends. Sometimes trimming your hair can also help your hair grow longer faster. When your hair splits, it becomes way too thin for it to be healthy, and this can cause breakages.

There isn’t any other way to repair your hair once it has split, so keep trimming your hair every so often, and keep it happy.

Keep your showers cool ; what I  learnt when I last went to the hairdresser was that a hot shower can burn your scalp, and as amazing as it feels, it really isn’t good for your hair. I’m not saying have a cold shower, instead, keep the water warm enough for you to shower in, but cool enough for your scalp.

Do you have any other tips to as to how to keep your hair healthy?



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