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Snacks to help you Focus At Work

Snacks to help you focus

If you have an office job like me, and are regularly stuck at your desk, sometimes it can be difficult to get in the nutrients, and your daily intake of things such as water. Days in the office can get really long, especially if you are having a busy day, or fighting against tight deadlines. Instead of upping the amount of coffee you drink, and zoning in and out at work, there can be other ways that can help you focus and be efficient at work and during work hours.

If you’re starting to feel a bit groggy and lacking energy by the end of the day, it’s potentially time to review your diet and what you are snacking on at your desk. Clear out those drawers and start stocking up on the items within my list below, these are vital snacks to help you focus at work.

Blueberries – they are known as a super-food because of their great anti-inflammatory components, and are known to be anti-oxidants for our bodies. Some say that eating a handful of Blueberries on a daily basis can help fight against memory loss, which is perfect for those days where you’re brain is being pushed to the limit. The perfect balance of sweet within the fruit, these can be used to enhance your mood leading to less of those grumpy work days.

Oily Fish – my parents have always said that oily fish should be eaten before exams, and I’ve carried this tradition on by using oily fish to boost concentration at work. Instead of taking supplements go for the good stuff, incorporate mackerel into your diet to help keep your mind ticking during the day.

Pumpkin seeds – these little seeds are so tasty and amazing for you, especially when a handful is added to your granola, yogurt or porridge in them morning. They keep your daily levels of zinc in check, which can also help elevate brain power.

Chickpeas – Chickpeas is something that can be eaten hot or cold, as long as they have been cooked beforehand. They are also a snack which has grown in popularity over the years, for example, they can be added to Quinoa for a bit of a crunch, blended up to make a hummus, or crushed into small ball shapes to make falafel.

Chickpeas contain a high level of magnesium, which can help speed up brain power and also increase the amount of oxygen that is going to the brain.

By making small changes to your diet after reviewing it, it can make a world of difference to your efficiency in your day to day lives.

What other tips and tricks do you have to keep your brain ticking?


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