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5 Practical Hygiene Tips for Avid Travellers

5 Practical Hygiene Tips for Avid TravellersObserving good hygiene is essential to your health, no matter where you find yourself. This has become even more crucial due to recent pandemics and other airborne diseases. As such, you should also keep this in mind when travelling, and not take it for granted. This way, you can enjoy your holiday without worrying too much about falling ill. The little things you do while on your trip can go a long way in helping to keep you safe healthwise and make your travel more enjoyable. Here are some practical tips to help you observe good hygiene when you travel.

  1. Wash your hands

Thoroughly washing your hands should be a part of your daily routine and is even more vital when you travel. That is because you may subconsciously come into contact with contaminated surfaces while you’re on the move. You can never go wrong washing your hands as often as possible, especially when you return from the outdoors. It’s best to wash it under running water, preferably not too hot, with antibacterial soap. If you’re worried about whether your skin will become dry from too much washing, you can keep a moisturiser in your bag to apply as and when you want. 

   2. Don’t forget your fingernails

Research reveals that your fingernails could be a hiding place for germs when you least expect them. Therefore, it’s best to keep your nails short to help keep them clean and clear of germs. You can cut them just before your trip or make a mental note to do it during your holiday. You can carry a miniature nail kit to cut your nails whenever possible. 

      3. Sanitise on the move

You will likely touch something unhygienic during your travel. However, a sanitizer will guarantee effective protection against any dangerous pathogen. Always carry a travel-sized one when on a trip in case you may not have access to soap and water to wash your hands. You can also carry antibacterial wipes, sanitising spray, face wipes, and other antibacterial goods like hand creams to stay healthy and clean. Thankfully, there are several options you can choose from, ranging from scented ones and brightly packaged ones to even your favourite natural hand sanitiser. You can attach it to a handle to hang it on your bag or pocket, making it easily accessible.

     4. Keep your body clean

There are several ways to ensure personal hygiene while you travel, not limited to only bathing. For instance, you should pack an extra set of clothes and underwear to reduce the likelihood of developing an unpleasant smell from sweat or repeated clothes. You can also make it a point to pack your shower gel, facial wash, and so on to have a good, warm shower after a busy day full of activities like sightseeing and shopping. 

     5. Avoid common touchpoints

It is advisable to avoid touching handrails, ATMs, or shared interfaces during your trip. That is because some harmful bacteria may survive on surfaces that appear to be germ-free. These germs can easily lodge in your fingernails, and you can easily ingest them when you touch your face. Additionally, you could end up transferring it to others. Therefore, try as much as possible to go contactless whenever you can and routinely clean your screens.

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