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Sweaty Betty| For When We Need Support

Following my recent rant about the struggles I have with my weight, I decided to expand my workout wardrobe as it was getting to a point where I was wearing the same clothes over and over. Fair enough workout clothes are literally made to just work out in, and obviously when we work out we sweat, but it’s been said, lately, that you can use your clothing as a motivator to get your butt to the gym. If you’re like me, and forever having problems keeping things (and by things I mean boobies!) in place then Sweaty Betty is your answer.

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Fabletics Review| The Verdict

As I was browsing Facebook recently, I came across a number of ads promoting Kate Hudson’s new sportswear brand, Fabletics . The concept behind Fabletics is that you have your own personal stylist for gym wear. So basically you sign up to the website, answer a few questions about your style, like the type of workout you do, whether it be yoga, gym or an at home workout, and from that you have a selection of outfits put together.

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Gym virgin| First time at the Gym

I know the feeling. You’ve just got your first gym membership and you are dreading the idea of working out in front of everyone else. Having them watch you whilst you try and push yourself, when really you can only last about five minutes on a treadmill. Your fitness levels are that bad. Having to walk around the gym area looking all red faced and puffed out, your new gym kit has also got sweat dripping down it. Trust me, I’ve certainly been there before. When I first signed up to the gym I was exactly the same. I was so shy and self conscious about what everyone else was doing that I didn’t really enjoy going to the gym. It felt like a bit of a chore. For some people that’s exactly how it feels now, perhaps, though, for different reasons. No matter how many times people tell you…

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Workouts and Weight Loss|A Rant

Today I am feeling so annoyed with myself! I jumped on the scales thinking that there must be some weight loss going on. I’ve managed to get myself to the gym at least three times a week for the past month, averaging about 600 calories a session. Also, I’ve been adding a bit more strength training to my workouts, so surely I must have lost a pound or two? Who was I kidding? Let me take you back to the battle I have with my weight. I was never the chubby kid who had a problem with food, quite the opposite actually. I would eat what I want, not even bother working out, and just rely on the fact that my metabolism was always there for me. Then I hit secondary school. And all of a sudden everyone around me was eating fruit and veg, and watching what they ate. Naive me,…

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