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Guide To Buying Yourself Diamonds

Keepsake jewelry is not usually something that people buy for themselves, but why not? Owning beautiful jewelry could be on your bucket list before turning 30, or maybe you’ve got something special like a big promotion to celebrate. When you buy diamonds for yourself, they mean something special, that won’t be spoiled if you split up with the person who bought them for you. Here’s how to buy diamonds for yourself.

What’s Your Style?

What do you like to wear normally? Think about your usual jewelry and style tastes. Picture the one piece of jewelry that would perfectly fit your style. 

What is your wardrobe like? Girly? Classic? Colorful? Do you want your piece of jewelry to make a statement, or be a basic piece that acts as the base of a collection? 

If you want basics, some good pieces that you can’t go wrong with are simple stud earrings, a chain with a diamond pendant, or a simple 1 carat diamond ring

Do Your Research

If up until now, all your jewellery has been budget pieces bought from the high street, it’s a good idea to do some research on the different options for diamonds that are out there, so you understand what you’re buying. Learn about cuts and carats

What’s Your Budget? 

It’s not much fun to think about, but you should be realistic about what you can and can’t afford. The jewelry you buy yourself should make you feel proud every time you look at it, rather than stress you out because you’re still paying for it. How much can you set aside every month to save up for your diamonds? If you set something aside every month, you’ll have the motivation to work hard as you know something wonderful is ahead. 

Save Money

If your budget is smaller, there are some ways that you can bring the costs down. 

Scale down on the clarity or color of the diamond, but not the cut. The cut is what affects how brilliant and reflective the stone is. If you want a larger diamond, choose a size slightly lower than the full carat, for example, 0.97 Ct, instead of 1 Ct. 

Choosing a less classic shape of a diamond can save you a lot too. Choose a different metal, like gold instead of platinum. 

Buy during a quieter season, not near the holidays when people are buying diamonds as gifts. Spend some time researching online to find the best price. 

When you’ve bought your diamond, make sure it comes with a certificate of authenticity so you know exactly what you’ve spent your money on. It’s also a good idea to get your jewelry insured, in case of loss, theft, or damage. 


Research is done, it’s time to shop. You can buy jewelry online, but make you sure you try things on too to get an idea of what suits you, and what you like on you. Take a patient friend with you to help you decide. 

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