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Keeping busy during lockdown

We’re in a bit of a crazy time at the moment. Literally three months into the new year, and we’ve spent some of that time in lockdown (isolation) and keeping safe at home. I say keeping safe at home rather than being made to stay at home as that’s what we’re ultimately doing – keeping safe.

With no current view as to when the lockdown period will end here in the UK, and with many of us either working from home or on furlough, I wanted to put together a list of things to do to make the most of this lockdown period. Whilst keeping safe at the same time.


I know there’s only so much screen time you can have during the day, and the last thing you want to do is move from the bed to the sofa, and vice versa. Along with binging on new TV shows, comes the snacking – BUT, where times do call for a duvet afternoon/morning/day there are so many new shows and series out there to binge on.

I spent some time looking through the content with Netflix and found so many new shows that I wouldn’t have previously watched before. And I actually ended up enjoying them.

I have a whole list of my top Netflix recommendations, but what I’ve been watching lately are shows such as Yummy Mummies – don’t knock it until you give it a go! Sex Education – this show is binge worthy and just hilarious and also Friends from College.


I had a bit of a clear out, and have continued to do so during the lockdown period. I organised my wardrobe, all my shoes, makeup – any clothes I no longer wanted, I put in a bag ready to take to the Charity shop when they re-opened.

Also take this opportunity to do things that are just mundane and you’d normally put off – such as cleaning your makeup brushes!

I also found that I had so much makeup that I just hadn’t got round to use, or body-care products that were just there – this just comes back to me having way too many mini’s of products. Unfortunately, I can’t quite freeze my Glossybox subscription as it’s a yearly one, but I’ve put the renewal on hold thankfully.

But I also got round to organizing my pantry, cleaning cupboards, cleaned all the windows etc, and it actually proved to be quite therapeutic. As expected, I also got my Zoflora stash out and diluted that stuff and made good use of it – my home smells divine.


There are so many online courses you can take that are actually free – don’t go down the route of taking the nutritional courses, as they aren’t really worth it and they probably won’t give you the correct information. But things like improving your photography, gardening, even improving your cooking skills.

I’ve tried to bake whilst being on lockdown, but given the current supermarket restrictions getting baking items is proving to be difficult. But using items within your cupboards and tweaking recipes can always be fun.

If you’ve always wanted to learn a new language, or have DIY tasks that you’ve been putting off, this is a great time to do it.


I miss going to the gym – I was getting back into the routine of it, but unfortunately gyms are closed at the moment which means improvising. There are SO many YouTube videos online which can keep you motivated during this time – I’ve started Yoga again by watching a YouTube series.

Make the most of your daily exercise by heading to the park – keeping your distance, going for a walk, a run, skipping, making the most of garden space if you have one.

Alternatively, use chairs in your house for tricep dips etc.


With everything that’s going on at the moment, it can certainly a toll on your mental health. It’s all good and well taking care of your physical health but you need to make sure you are also mentally balanced.

Writing down your thoughts or just keeping a note of positive thoughts and what makes you happy can really make a difference.

You can also try out some of my tips on self care which I have found really useful during this time.


We really need to stop putting this one off. Most of us dread looking at our bank statement, or mobile banking, but it’s always good to check your account every so often for unknown/fraudulent transactions.

Cancel any direct debit you no longer use or need, and see if you can try and freeze subscriptions to things you may not need. Check your credit card statements to also make sure you’re not paying interest or have any late payment penalties.

If you do have a credit card, think about perhaps moving this across to a zero interest card which can help extend your credit period.


  • Read a book, or a few
  • Try a fitness challenge
  • Learn a language
  • Declutter your home
  • Meditate
  • Plan a holiday
  • Blog
  • Upcycle
  • Enjoy virtual tasks such as a pub quiz
  • Facetime friends and family