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4 Effective Ways To Tackle Frown Lines*

Forehead wrinkles or frown lines aren’t something that just affects people as they get older. Stressful work and family lives can cause these lines to appear in younger people as well and they’re amongst the most noticeable wrinkles that can develop on your face. If you’re already starting to notice the appearance of frown lines, you’re probably looking for ways to get rid of them quickly. Luckily, there are a few simple things that you can do. These are the best ways to tackle frown lines.


If the wrinkles in your forehead are particularly deep, the easiest way to tackle them is by getting a surgical procedure. There are plenty of places like Weymouth Street Hospital that offer brow lifts which remove almost any sign of frown lines. It will tighten the skin and muscles on the face, dealing with the wrinkles and make your skin look overall more youthful. This is an effective measure but if you’re still young and the lines aren’t that deep yet, there are less drastic things that you can try first.


Coconut oil is a wonder ingredient that has become so popular over the last few years. People are using it as a healthy alternative to cooking oil, putting in their hair, and using it as a moisturizer for skin. It’s a great natural alternative to a lot of the expensive skin products that you get in shops and it’s brilliant for getting rid of those deep wrinkles on your forehead. Coconut oil is a very effective moisturizer and it also has a lot of antioxidants which help to tackle free radicals, one of the major causes of dull skin and wrinkles. All you need to do is take a few drops of coconut oil and massage it into the skin before you go to bed every night and you should start to see a big difference in no time.


Using a good face mask that is filled with antioxidants and vitamins can really help to increase collagen production in the skin and reduce free radicals so your skin is tighter. This pink clay mask is a great option as it contains high levels of vitamin C and E which have both been shown to encourage collagen production and stop skin from sagging. Using a good quality face mask once or twice a week can make a big difference to those frown lines.


Another simple way to tackle wrinkles is by eating more fruits, especially ones with vitamin C and E. Upping your intake of oranges and lemons can make a long term difference to your skin and stop it from getting loose and developing wrinkles. You can also apply it more directly by taking a cotton ball, dipping it in lemon juice, and applying it to the skin. Then let it air dry and then rinse it with water. If you have sensitive skin, you should dilute the lemon juice with the same amount of water because it can be a little harsh on your skin.

As soon as you start to notice the appearance of frown lines, you should use these simple remedies to stop them from getting any worse.  

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