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Blog Birthday | One Year On

The Life Of Vanisha Birthday

One year ago I finally decided to take the plunge, after trawling through the internet reading blog after blog. I wanted a piece of that cake.I wanted a place that I could call my own, air my opinions and views, somewhere that was mine. And exactly that, was what encouraged me to get going with my blog. And it has been one hell of a journey one year on. I honestly didn’t think I would stick to keeping up with blog posts, or even hold out on keeping a blog. I’m guilty of being that person who starts something but never finishes. Yes, I know what you’re going to say, but it’s a bad quality of mine, and something I need to work on.

You can call this a self-reflection post, or maybe a post where I’m going to set myself goals (in relation to my blog), and try and rise to the challenge. One year on, I certainly want to set out some goals of where I want to take my blog and the ideas I have for my blog. After all, it is my little piece of the internet, and I should maximise it’s use. So here are my top blog goals for another great year running The Life Of Vanisha.

Wedding Diaries ; with the lead up to my wedding fast approaching (just over a year now!) there are so many more blog posts I want to write. I want my blog to be somewhere that I can read through over and over and relive the journey to married life! I also want it to be a place where other brides to be, or just those interested, can follow my wedding plans for ideas and inspiration. As my wedding will be an Indian Fusion wedding (I decided against a full on Hindu wedding HERE it makes it different from just the traditional wedding. I have forever wanted my wedding to be different anyways, and something that is memorable and joyful, so there will be a lot more posts on that.

TLOV posts ; I started something new on my blog to ensure it was a place I could air my opinions, the TLOV series, of which can be found HERE. I’ve always said that my blog is a place where I want to portray my thoughts on hot topics and anything I felt strongly about, that’s why I started this series. But it’s also not something I’ve expanded upon during my year having this blog.

Fitness Journey ; Fitness and adopting a healthy lifestyle is something that has interested me for as long as I can remember. I am a firm believer than strong is the new skinny, and there is nothing I dislike more than people who are constantly all about losing weight and are mistaking toning up for losing weight. I want to bring posts from normal individuals, not personal trainers. Don’t get me wrong, I respect what personal trainers do completely, but sometimes you need the point of view from someone who is just normal, and not in the industry.

For all my readers, thanks for taking this journey with me. Here’s to another great year reaching my blog goals Grin



  1. Pingback: TLOV | 2016 Goals

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